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Results and impact of the Continuous Professional Development / Training of Trainers programme for public libraries in Kenya Report 2020.
Statements by EIFL at WIPO meetings (2020) Position paper & statement 2020.
Results and impact of the Continuous Professional Development / Training of Trainers programme for public libraries in Namibia Report 2020.
Fact Sheet: Proposed US-Kenya Free Trade Agreement Position paper & statement 2020.
The Marrakesh Treaty: an EIFL Guide for Libraries (Portuguese) Guide 2020.
EIFL letter in support of South Africa's Copyright Amendment Bill, 2017 Position paper & statement 2020.
EIFL comments on Brazil’s public consultation to implement the Marrakesh Treaty for Persons with print disabilities (English) Position paper & statement 2020.
EIFL’s submission to UNESCO Global Consultation on Open Science Position paper & statement 2020.
Fostering Bibliodiversity in Scholarly Communications – A Call for Action! Position paper & statement 2020.
World IP Day 2020. Global cultural heritage organizations call for urgent action to help save our cultural heritage (French) Position paper & statement 2020.
World IP Day 2020. Global cultural heritage organizations call for urgent action to help save our cultural heritage (Spanish) Position paper & statement 2020.
World IP Day 2020: Global cultural heritage organizations call for urgent action to help save our cultural heritage (English) Position paper & statement 2020.
Proposal for an International Instrument on Preservation of Cultural Heritage for Libraries, Archives and Museums by EIFL, IFLA, ICA AND ICOM Model laws & licences 2020.
EIFL review of Myanmar’s new copyright law (2019) Position paper & statement 2020.
EIFL review of ARIPO’s Model Law on copyright (2019) Position paper & statement 2020.