EIFL in Mozambique

From 2005 - 2015, EIFL partnered with the Universidade Pedagógica to build a national library consortium. Through this partnership libraries in Mozambique were provided with access to a wide range of scholarly e-resources. The partnership also raised awareness about open access and fair copyright for libraries.

In 2008, EIFL supported a workshop on institutional repositories and open access at Eduardo Mondlane University in collaboration with the Minho University in Portugal. The major outcome of this workshop was the launch of a national repository SABER (“knowledge” in Portuguese) launched in 2009.

In 2024, EIFL awarded a grant to Eduardo Mondlane University (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM) in Maputo, Mozambique, to improve its journal publishing platform, UEM Scientific Journals (Revistas Científicas da UEM - RC-UEM), which hosts four peer reviewed no-fee open access journals. UEM will place a special emphasis on improving  the quality and sustainability of the journal, Revista Científica da UEM: Série Letras e Ciências Sociais.

The grant was one of 17 awarded through a three-year project to strengthen no-fee open access publishing in Africa implemented by EIFL, AJOL (African Journals Online) and WACREN (the West and Central African Research and Education Network), with funding from Wellcome. 



EIFL, AJOL (African Journals Online) and WACREN (the West and Central (...)