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30 May 2023
Milica Ševkušić, Project Coordinator, EIFL Open Access Programme, will give a presentation at the Open Science Forum, a whole-day event at the  (...)
- Serbia
24 May 2023 - 26 May 2023
Rima Kupryte, EIFL Director, has been invited by the National Library of Uzbekistan to give a presentation at the XVI International Conference ‘ (...)
22 May 2023 - 28 May 2023
Jevgenija Sevcova, EIFL Programmes and Events Coordinator, is to speak at Library Week in Kosovo. Events to celebrate the week are organized by (...)
22 May 2023 - 26 May 2023
OpenAIRE's train-the-trainer bootcamp aims to build open science trainers’ skills in research data management, open access and other aspects of (...)
22 May 2023 - 26 May 2023
EIFL is supporting three African librarians from Kenya and Uganda to present good practices of public libraries contributing to people’s learning (...)
16 May 2023 - 18 May 2023
Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, will participate in the COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) Annual Meeting 2023. (...)
14 May 2023 - 16 May 2023
The EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme team and the winners of the EIFL Public Library Innovation Award for Public libraries enabling (...)