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‘These are skills that can last our whole lives!’

In 2018, the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) and the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), which manages a network of 62 public libraries staffed by 600 people, entered into a partnership to strengthen continuous professional development of public librarians in Kenya.

Help support vital OA and OS infrastructures

The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) has helped raise funds for six open access and open science infrastructures, generating 2,781,525 Euros in just three years. Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, who is on the SCOSS Board, updates us on SCOSS’ efforts to sustain open infrastructures. 

EIFL@WIPO: fair access, preservation, no lending tax

Teresa Hackett, EIFL’s Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager, reports from the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) copyright committee that met recently in hybrid mode in Geneva 

COVID-19 intensifies calls to end digital divide

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF), an annual forum that brings together stakeholders from government, industry and civil society to discuss public policy issues relating to the internet, was held online this year from 2 - 17 November. For 12 days, the IGF 2020 digital platform was buzzing - with a record 6,000 participants from 173 countries. Ramune Petuchovaite, Manager of the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP), reports.

‘An amazing, amazing, amazing conference!’

In the last week of September, the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) team attended the Occupy Library 2020 conference, organized by the Progress Foundation, a small NGO based in Romania, that has successfully implemented some exciting public library initiatives and projects in the field of education, training, social and digital inclusion and community development. 

How SA’s copyright bill would benefit citizens during COVID

South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill had been sitting on the desk of President Cyril Ramaphosa for over a year, waiting to be signed into law. But instead of signing the bill, the President returned it to parliament citing constitutional concerns with certain aspects, including new exceptions for libraries, education and persons with disabilities. If enacted, the bill would have helped teaching, learning and research during COVID-19 lockdowns. Instead South Africans are forced to struggle under the current, outdated law. EIFL guest blogger Denise R.

Marking 15 years of EIFL-IP

Since the EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme (EIFL-IP) was launched 15 years ago, it has had some remarkable achievements, gained international recognition and staff have won awards. Jean Fairbairn, of EIFL, asked Programme Manager Teresa Hackett about the programme’s past and present, and hopes for the future. 

JF - What inspired the launch of the EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme?

A most unusual WIPO Assemblies 2020

Teresa Hackett, Manager of the EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme, reports on an unusual five days at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

'It has changed our vision for the future'

In 2018, the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) and the Namibia Library and Archives Service (NLAS), which leads a network of 66 public libraries, staffed by over 260 librarians, entered into partnership to strengthen continuous professional development of public librarians in Namibia. The partnership developed the skills and knowledge of 16 talented public librarians, positioning them to become expert trainers for their colleagues.

COVID and copyright: the right to research

In Part II of this two-part blog, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager Teresa Hackett examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of the right to research through two key issues, text and data mining and digital preservation by cultural heritage institutions, and how WIPO’s proven formula could address the issues.