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04 Sep 2017
“I love my community. As a journalist I can contribute by warning my community against threats, exposing what needs to be exposed, and (...)
Children crowding around computers in the library.
23 Jun 2017
Kenya National Library Service / Nakuru Public Library has shared results of its interactive online learning programme which helped primary school (...)
14 Jun 2017
EIFL has renewed its current agreement with the Royal Society Publishing to provide free and discounted access to the Royal Society Journals (...)
13 Jun 2017
In 2010, fewer than five of Kenya's network of 61 public libraries had internet connections or computers for public use. Today, all 61 have 10 or (...)
07 Jun 2017
EIFL has extended its agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide free and discounted access to the IMF eLibrary. The IMF (...)
Children at a desk using kindles to read
18 May 2017
Kenya National Library Service / Meru Public Library has shared results of its pioneering education service for children with special needs, which (...)
17 May 2017
EIFL has extended its agreement with Taylor & Francis that guarantees no - or heavily reduced - Article Processing Charges (APCs) for authors (...)