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23 Nov 2022
EIFL staff member, Jevgenija Sevcova, will train teachers and students in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the National University of (...)
22 Nov 2022 - 23 Nov 2022
The EIFL Licensing Programme team will participate in this virtual International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC ) meeting. Rima Kupryte, (...)
21 Nov 2022 - 22 Nov 2022
Authors, globally, publish a large proportion of their research articles in scholarly journals that charge fees for open access. With fee-based (...)
21 Nov 2022 - 24 Nov 2022
EOSC Future is organizing a four-day online course for trainers to enhance their understanding of the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud). Milica (...)
16 Nov 2022 - 17 Nov 2022
EIFL staff as well as EIFL Coordinators in our partner countries will participate in the UKSG November Conference 2022, held under the banner: (...)
Librarian training people to use desktop computers in Mbarara Public Liibrary.
14 Nov 2022 - 17 Nov 2022
Twenty librarians from 15 public and community libraries in Uganda will participate in a five-day training programme conducted by EIFL’s partners (...)
14 Nov 2022 - 17 Nov 2022
The EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) Symposium is the main EOSC annual event and takes place this year in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14-17 (...)