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Open Harvester Systems (OHS) is a free metadata indexing system developed by the Public Knowledge Project (also responsible for Open Journal Systems and Open Monograph Press).
OHS allows you to create a searchable index of the metadata from Open Archives Initiative (OAI)-compliant archives, such as sites using Open Journal Systems (OJS) or Open Conference Systems (OCS).
OHS includes the ability to harvest OAI metadata in a variety of schemas; flexible search interface that allows simple searching and advanced searching using crosswalked fields from all harvested archives; the ability to perform granular harvesting using setSpec and timestamps; and the ability to perform post-harvest and pre-indexing filtering/normalization on metadata.
EIFL-FOSS and EIFL-OA co-organised a webinar coinciding with Open Access Week 2012. The topic focused upon providing access across open access journals and open access repositories, with a particular focus on Open Harvester Systems (OHS) software.
The guest speaker was Alec Smecher, Technical Architect for the Public Knowledge Project, Simon Fraser University Library, and lead developer of Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Conference Systems (OCS), Open Harvester Systems (OHS), and the PKP Web Application Library (WAL).
Oleksandr Novytskyi also presented a case study from Ukraine - using OHS for a centralized search in all Ukrainian open access repositories supported by the Institute of Software Systems, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.
- Slides in PDF format of Alec Smecher's presentation
- Slides in PDF format of Oleksandr Novytskyi's presentation