In this webinar (1h 50min), Ina Smith (ASSAf - Academy of Science South Africa), Lena Nyahodza (UCT - University of Cape Town), Iryna Kuchma (EIFL), Susan Murray (AJOL - African Journals Online) and Louise van Heerden (ASSAf and SciELO SA) discuss open access journal indexing and journal publishing platforms - OJS (Open Journal Systems), AJOL and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) South Africa.
This is the fifth in a series of seven webinars for journal editors and publishers in Africa organized by AJOL, ASSAf, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EIFL, LIBSENSE and UCT (University of Cape Town) on Thursdays at 10:00 GMT from 10 February to 24 March. The webinars are being held in English and French.
En Francais
Intervenants et animateurs : Bessem Aamira (CNUDST) et Lucienne Wilme (AJOL). Présentations et discussions en langues anglaise et française.
See the webinar slides / Voir les diapositives du webinaire (PDF)
- Ina Smith: Indexing of Scholarly Journals / Indexation des revues savantes
- Lena Nyahodza: General overview of the OJS dashboard / Aperçu général du tableau de bord OJS
- Ina Smith: Optimising your journal within OJS / Optimisation de votre journal dans OJS
- Iryna Kuchma: Open Journal Systems (OJS) Best Practice Checklist / Liste de contrôle des meilleures pratiques d'Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- Susan Murray: Indexing African Journals … AJOL / Indexation des revues de l’AJOL
- Louise van Heerden: SciELO SA - an example of a regional index / Indexation des revues de SciELO SA