Article discussing the study, Perceptions of Public Libraries in Africa (2011), commissioned by EIFL and conducted by the Kenya office of the social and marketing research company, TNS RMS East Africa.
The study was the first of its kind in Africa. Researchers visited six countries - Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe - to find out perceptions of public libraries held by library users, non-users, librarians, local and national government officials and media. In addition to providing a rich body of knowledge about the role of libraries and stakeholder perceptions, the study tested perception research methodology in the African context.
The article is based on a paper presented at the FLA World Library and Information Congress 2011 (Puerto Rico). It was published in the IFLA Journal (June 2012 vol. 38).
Click the button on the left to read the article; click here to read the PowerPoint presentation.