The Open Repositories 2020 (OR2020) conference has been postponed to 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In its place, the OR2020 Steering Committee has organized a series of virtual meetings and workshops from 1 - 4 June 2020. EIFL will host the virtual meetings.
The meetings offer a space for learning, sharing and making connections. There will be one or two meetings a day, over Zoom. Each meeting will last from one to two hours, and will be recorded and uploaded to the Zenodo Open Repositories community and YouTube. And you can follow discussions on Twitter, using the hashtag #OpenRepos2020.
Registration is free. You must register for each day and for each workshop you wish to attend.
Monday, 1 June
1:00pm – 2:30pm UTC: Virtual workshop: How repositories can contribute their FAIR share. This workshop will focus on the work FAIRsFAIR carries out in collaboration with repositories to enable them to play their role in helping to make and keep data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) over time.
Click here to register.
3:00pm – 4:30pm UTC: Keynote, presentations and discussion: Equity and democratization of knowledge. The meeting includes:
- Welcome from Sarah L. Shreeves (Chair, Open Repositories Steering Committee) and Claire Knowles (Vice Chair, Open Repositories Steering Committee).
- Keynote, ‘Reframing the conversation: applying the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion to scholarly communications’, by Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR).
- Shareyourpaper.org – Joseph McArthur, Open Access Button
- A pilot on usage data exchange between LA Referencia (Latin America) and OpenAIRE (EU) networks – Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
Click here to register.
Tuesday, 2 June
11:00am – 12:34pm UTC:
- The National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia – Technical, Policy and Governance Aspects – Roberto Barbera, Department of Physics and Astronomy “E. Majorana” of the University of Catania
- Overcoming Language Barrier in Open Repositories: A case of Sokoine University of Agriculture – Gilbert Mushi
- Skills needs assessment for South African open access repository practitioners – Ansie van der Westhuizen, UNISA
- The NREN and Open Repositories (an ORCID use case in South Africa) – Wesley Barry, TENET | Tertiary Education & Research Network of South Africa
- Documenting the Ephemeral: Performance Archive and the Showcase Repository – Sanjin Muftic and Jayne Batzofin, The Reimagining Tragedy in Africa and the Global South (RETAGS) project at the University of Cape Town
- Evaluation of institutional digital repository contents by postgraduate students of some selected tertiary institutions in Nigeria – Dr. Michael Esew, Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University
- Institutional repository adoption among Nigerian private universities: Institutional factors and willingness to use – Adetomiwa Basiru, Tekena Tamuno Library, Redeemer's University
- Working towards knowledge accessibility and visibility through collaboration efforts: the case of Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) library - Ayanda Lebele and Tuelo Ntlotlang
Click here to register.
3:00pm – 5:30pm UTC:
Repository Rodeo:
- Dataverse: Danny Brooke, Harvard University
- DSpace: Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University
- EPrints: Will Fyson, CoSector, University of London
- Fedora: David Wilcox, LYRASIS
- Haplo: Tom Renner, Haplo
- Invenio: Lars Holm Nielsen, CERN
- Islandora: Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University
- Samvera: Jon Dunn, Indiana University
Developer track:
- Developing COrDa: The COmmunity Orcid Dashboard; The powerful chamber: an institutional overview of the ORCID registry – Adam Vials Moore, JISC 4:10PM
- API driven applications with GraphQL; Building a modern repository UI with Elasticsearch, React and IIIF – Adam J. Arling, Northwestern University Libraries 4:20PM
Virtual posters session: Visit OR2020 Virtual Poster Session between June 1-5, 2020 to view and comment on the virtual posters and join a discussion session on Tuesday June 2nd, 4.30pm – 5.30 pm UTC.
Click here to register.
6:00pm - 8:00pm UTC: Wikidata virtual workshop: This workshop will introduce participants to Wikidata and its linked data infrastructure, including an overview of tools that facilitate data contribution and use. Participants will leave prepared to connect with existing Wikidata initiatives, and with entry points to launch their own.
Click here to register.
Wednesday, 3 June
11am – 2pm UTC: Open Repositories - LIBSENSE virtual workshop. Strategies for open access and open science policy and infrastructure development in Africa.
For further details and to register, go here.
3:00pm – 4:30pm UTC: Current issues
- Panel: ‘Aligning repository networks to support international sharing of COVID-19 resources’, organized by COAR. This panel will present national approaches to managing and sharing COVID-19 resources from around the world. It will be followed by a discussion about working more closely across countries and regions to ensure that content can be integrated internationally.
- Organization Identifiers and Open Repositories: ROR-ing Together – Maria Gould, California Digital Library, University of California Office of the President
- Research Data Management: a Stellenbosch University Journey – Samuel Simango, Stellenbosch University Library
- Towards Open Data Metrics: enabling data repositories to demonstrate reuse – Kristian Garza, DataCite
Click here to register.
Thursday, 4 June
3:00pm – 4:30pm UTC:
- Investing in Open Science infrastructure and repositories: How IOI and SCOSS can help – Vanessa Proudman, SPARC Europe
- Shared repositories: building a multi-tenancy repository service at the British Library – Sara Gould, the British Library
- A year-long Ideas Challenge: the new beginning - an online social gathering to kick-off the Ideas Challenge 2020-2021; presentation and discussion with breakout sessions. We will brainstorm new ideas around the four topics: Access & Discovery: Repositories and different types of content and material; Inclusivity: supporting researchers and practitioners, no matter where they live and the language they speak; Integration: systems, machines, open knowledge resources, people; and Policies, licensing and copyright management.
- Thank you and closing.
Click here to register.
For further details about the virtual meetings, contact EIFL Open Access Programme Manager Iryna Kuchma, who is one of the OR2020 programme co-chairs, together with Leila Sterman (Montana State University), Lazarus Matizirofa (University of Pretoria), and Dr Daisy Selematsela (University of South Africa).