EIFL Open Access (OA) Programme Manager Iryna Kuchma and EIFL-OA coordinator Gwen Franck will be among facilitators at this two-day interactive OpenAIRE workshop for book and journal publishers and librarians supporting non-APC publishing initiatives.
APCs (Article Processing Charges) are fees sometimes charged to authors or to their institutions to publish their work in an open access journal or a hybrid journal. The workshop continues the efforts of OpenAIRE to provide support to alternative business models for making scientific research outcomes openly available.
During the workshop participants will analyse their current business models, assess strengths and weaknesses, and share expertise for developing and improving non-APC publishing initiatives.
There are a limited number of places. Those who wish to participants are asked to submit expressions of interest indicating how they will contribute to the workshop. You can express your interest through the participation form.
EIFL is a partner in the European Union-funded OpenAIRE project.