A Task Force chaired by EIFL has released two new librarians’ competency profiles that will help to build capacity in libraries for supporting new roles in the area of scholarly communication and e-research.
The librarians’ competency profiles were released during the ELPUB 2016 conference, which took place from 7 - 9 June in Göttingen, Germany.
The joint Task Force on Librarians' Competencies for e-Research and Scholarly Communication was initiated by the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), and includes participants from COAR, The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL), and the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER).
The profiles will enable library managers to identify skill gaps in their institution, form the basis of job descriptions, enable professionals to carry out self-assessments, and act as a foundation for the development of training programmes for librarians and library professionals.
The two librarians’ competency profiles that have just been released are:
Librarians’ Competencies for Research Data Management: Research data management encompasses a wide array of activities across the research data lifecycle. Generally, it requires a high level of interaction with researchers and also working with other support services, including technical services and research officers.
Librarians’ Competencies for Scholarly Communication and Open Access: Library activities in scholarly communication and open access typically fall into one of four categories: scholarly publishing services; open access repository services; copyright and open access advice, and assessment of scholarly resources.
The full profiles are available here.
The Librarians’ Competencies for Digital Humanities profile is coming soon.
The Task Force has identified some additional areas for future competency profiles, including:
- Text and Data Mining
- Digital Curation/Preservation
- Research Impact