Researchers and research institutions from Eastern Europe are invited to join this OpenAire webinar, hosted by EIFL, to find out if their FP7 project publications are eligible for funding through the FP7 post-grant Open Access (OA) publishing funds pilot
The European Commission (EC) launched the FP7 post-grant Open Access publishing funds pilot last year to fund publishing fees for OA publications arising from completed FP7 projects through the OpenAIRE project. The pilot funds OA Article and Book Processing Charges (APCs/BPCs) for FP7 projects up to two years after their end-date.
By the end of March 2016, the FP7 post-grant OA publishing funds pilot had funded ( 300 requests from researchers and projects in countries across Europe and beyond.
In Eastern Europe, applications from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Lithuania had been funded. However, there are still several European countries with no approved funding requests, among them Romania, Serbia, Estonia and Latvia, and numbers of requests from most Eastern European countries were generally lower than from other parts of Europe.
The webinar will discuss plans for Eastern Europe and help FP7 project participants understand eligibility requirements and procedures for submitting funding proposals.
The webinar will be led by Pablo de Castro, of the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER). It will address:
- How the FP7 post-grant Open Access publishing funds pilot works; and
- How to use the OpenAIRE system at for collecting and processing funding requests for OA article processing charges.
Input will be followed by a question and answer session.
Date: 6 April 2016
Time: 11:00 CET
Target audience: researchers, project coordinators and research administrators, librarians.
How to register: please register here:
How to participate: go to instantpresenter. The password is FP7P
All you will need is an internet-connected computer with sound (and maybe headphones if you are in a busy room).
To check if your computer will be able to access the session successfully, please go to: instantpresenter