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03 Jun 2018
EIFL has signed an agreement with Annual Reviews for access to their collection of 50 journals that include reviews of recent literature published (...)
23 May 2018
Visibility of Serbian research has improved significantly as a result of an EIFL-supported project, according to results of a survey completed in (...)
04 May 2018
EIFL has signed a three-year renewal agreement with Credo Reference, an online reference database with authoritative content from over 700 e-book (...)
21 Mar 2018
EIFL has signed a three-year agreement with Benetech, a technology company based in Silicon Valley, California, USA, for access to Bookshare, the (...)
26 Jan 2018
EIFL has signed a three-year agreement with Éclat Engineering, a software solutions and services company based in India. The agreement covers two (...)
21 Dec 2017
EIFL has published a checklist that repository managers and administrators, librarians and others can use to improve institutional open access (OA (...)
09 Nov 2017
EIFL and Open Book Publishers (OBP) have signed an agreement which will provide libraries that are members of library consortia in EIFL partner (...)