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MP Dastan Bekeshev at a desk, addressing the meeting, through a microphone
12 Feb 2016
'Copyright in the Digital Age: Access to Information and Knowledge' was a one-day international conference that took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (...)
11 Feb 2016
EIFL has signed an agreement with SAGE Publications for the IMechE Journals Collection. The IMechE Journals collection, published by SAGE, offers (...)
09 Feb 2016
International copyright expert, Professor Kenneth D. Crews, led a webinar hosted by EIFL on 5 February 2016 on 'Library copyright statutes around (...)
02 Feb 2016
EIFL has expanded its agreement with William S. Hein & Co. to include the Law Journal Library. This collection of more than 2,200 law and law- (...)
Cover of UNDP Marrakesh report
29 Jan 2016
A recent report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Blind Union – Asia Pacific (WBUAP) recognizes the contribution of (...)
14 Dec 2015
Baljid Dashdeleg, EIFL Copyright Coordinator in Mongolia, represented EIFL at a Regional Seminar on Exceptions and Limitations to Libraries, (...)
08 Dec 2015
EIFL signed a renewal agreement with Taylor & Francis for the Taylor & Francis Online Journal Library.  The collection offers full text (...)