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Stock photo with beakers representing science. Image by Hans Reniers.
05 Oct 2022
Join this EIFL and LIBSENSE webinar (in French) with Cécile Coulibaly, Université Virtuelle de Côte d'Ivoire, Eliezer Bisimwa and Michael (...)
04 Oct 2022
DSpace 7 brings to DSpace a single, modern user interface and integrates current technological standards and best practices, resulting in a lean, (...)
29 Sep 2022 - 01 Oct 2022
The National Library of Armenia will host an International conference, 'Heritage Preservation for a Sustainable Future', dedicated to the 510th (...)
19 Sep 2022 - 20 Sep 2022
Diamond Open Access (OA) refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. (...)
12 Sep 2022 - 17 Sep 2022
The University of Maribor Summer School offers PhD students and early career researchers the opportunity to learn and develop skills in the fields (...)
05 Sep 2022 - 09 Sep 2022
Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, with EIFL partners the Zambia Library Consortium (ZALICO) and the University of Zambia, will (...)
29 Aug 2022 - 09 Sep 2022
EIFL Open Access Programme Manager Iryna Kuchma will speak about the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science at the (...)