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04 Oct 2022
DSpace 7 brings to DSpace a single, modern user interface and integrates current technological standards and best practices, resulting in a lean, (...)
29 Sep 2022 - 01 Oct 2022
The National Library of Armenia will host an International conference, 'Heritage Preservation for a Sustainable Future', dedicated to the 510th (...)
27 Sep 2022 - 28 Sep 2022
Lorraine Estelle, EIFL Licensing Programme Manager, will give a presentation at the 3rd Open Access Specialist Workshop of China on the practices (...)
26 Sep 2022 - 27 Sep 2022
EIFL’s partner, National Library of Uganda, is organizing a knowledge-sharing event for librarians and other trainers involved in the ‘Digital (...)
19 Sep 2022 - 20 Sep 2022
Diamond Open Access (OA) refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. (...)
14 Sep 2022 - 16 Sep 2022
Lorraine Estelle, EIFL Licensing Programme Manager, will take part in the ALPSP Annual Conference and Awards 2022. This will be the first in- (...)
12 Sep 2022 - 17 Sep 2022
The University of Maribor Summer School offers PhD students and early career researchers the opportunity to learn and develop skills in the fields (...)