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26 Nov 2015
Posted by Monika Elbert
“Yesterday we had nothing, today we have the world of knowledge at our fingertips,” a professor of mathematics at the University of Laos told me (...)
10 Nov 2015
Posted by Ramune Petuchovaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Manager
In September, EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) team members and representatives of EIFL-PLIP grantee libraries travelled to (...)
02 Nov 2015
Posted by Romy Beard, Licensing Programme Manager
With e-books more and more popular among library users, librarians are faced with the choice of different purchasing models: annual subscription, (...)
28 Oct 2015
Posted by Teresa Hackett, Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager
For more information on fair use and the different legal systems, see Prof Brandon Butler guest blog Fair use, open norms and blurred lines between (...)
28 Oct 2015
Posted by Teresa Hackett, Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager
In this guest blog, Professor Brandon Butler, American University Washington College of Law (WCL), discusses the merits of the fair use doctrine in (...)
Participants in a COBESS copyright seminar
01 Oct 2015
Posted by Monika Elbert
This year, the Consortium des Bibliothèques de l’Enseignement Supérieur de Senegal (COBESS) celebrate their 10th anniversary. COBESS will mark the (...)
27 Aug 2015
Posted by Romy Beard, Licensing Programme Manager
Using Facebook can be an effective way for academic libraries to connect with their user community. By posting updates on Facebook, libraries can (...)