In many countries, textbooks on particular areas of law such as criminal, constitutional or contract law become classics that are widely regarded by policy makers, lawyers and scholars alike as the authoritative source of information and opinion on the subject.
In Poland, the most prestigious work on copyright law is arguably ‘Copyright’, Volume 13 from the series ‘System of Private Law’ edited by Prof. Janusz Barta (in Polish: Prawo autorskie. System Prawa Prywatnego).
First published in 2003, the new edition includes a reference to the discussion of libraries at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in a chapter on Exceptions and Limitations in Polish Copyright Law. The reference (p. 518 Footnote 118) credits an article on the WIPO library agenda by EIFL-IP coordinator, Barbara Szczepanska published in the book "Disputed Issues in Intellectual Property: Essays in honor of Professors Janusz Barta and Ryszard Markiewicz (2013).
Professors Barta and Markiewicz are the most renowned copyright experts in Poland who have rendered great service to libraries.
“The reference in ‘Prawo autorskie. System Prawa Prywatnego’ is important because it gives recognition to the topic of limitations and exceptions for libraries at the highest level of academia, that in turn we hope will spark further interest and scholarship in library copyright issues”, said Barbara Szczepanska.
We agree and as we know, footnotes can go down in history!