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Webinar (in Ukrainian): Quality and best practice in open access journal publishing Webinar 2023.
A global vision for open science: EIFL’s contribution to implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science Brochure 2023.
Webinar: Increasing visibility of your research output through the use of open access platforms Webinar 2022.
Webinar (in French): Open science policies in Côte d'Ivoire & the Democratic Republic of Congo Webinar 2022.
Webinar: Best practices in journal publishing - Ukraine Webinar 2022.
New Four-Year, $4 Million Open Climate Campaign Will Open Knowledge to Solve Challenges in Climate and Biodiversity Press Release 2022.
Webinar (in Ukrainian): Copyright and Licensing - Ukraine Webinar 2022.
Webinar (in Ukrainian): Indexing journals in DOAJ (the Directory of Open Access Journals) Webinar 2022.
EIFL webinar: Depositing Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAMs) in institutional repositories Webinar 2022.
Authors - how to get the right version of your article for deposit in the repository Guide 2022.
Webinar: Rights retention policies for authors Webinar 2022.
‘Left in the Cold: The Failure of APC Waiver Programs to Provide Author Equity’ Article 2022.
Webinar: New ways to assess the quality of science and scientists / Nouvelles façons d'évaluer la qualité de la science et des scientifiques Webinar 2022.
Webinar: Addressing predatory publishing issues / Aborder les problèmes de publication prédatrice Webinar 2022.
Webinar: OA journal indexing, other publishing platforms / Indexation de revues, autres plateformes de publication Webinar 2022.