In this joint EIFL and CARLIGH (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana) webinar [one hour 15 minutes] Nabil Aziz Ksibi (ORCID Engagement Lead, Middle East and Africa) and Gabriela Mejias (ORCID Europe, Middle East and Africa Engagement Manager) talk about ORCID and what it offers librarians and researchers. They give ORCID implementation examples in Africa; and encourage the use of ORCID APIs, integration of ORCID in DSpace (showing a King Abdullah University of Science and Technology solution) and in OJS (showing Open Journal Systems - guide and video).
ORCID is part of the wider digital infrastructure needed for researchers to share information on a global scale. ORCID enables transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and affiliations by providing an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
The webinar addresses the following questions:
- How can I ensure credit and recognition for all of my work?
- How can I maintain the control and privacy of my own scholarly profile?
- How can I minimize time-consuming administrative and reporting requirements?
- How can I avoid re-entering the same data every time I apply for a grant? When I move?
- Who are other experts in this field? How can I locate collaborators?
See the webinar slides here.