What do your users want from your library? How can you improve library spaces, services and technology to meet their needs?
Participatory design is an effective methodology that enables you to research the behaviour and requirements of your library users, and to respond to their needs.
In this webinar, Nancy Fried Foster gives a clear and insightful presentation on what participatory design is, why it’s important, and how to do it (including personnel and other resources). Sania Battalova provides a case study on participatory design in action at the American University of Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan.
Nancy Fried Foster is an anthropologist from the University of Rochester (USA) and has wide-ranging experience of helping librarians around the world to improve their services through an innovative collaborative user-centered design process. Nancy facilitates participatory design of eXtensible Catalog and other software and library projects at the University of Rochester’s River Campus Libraries.
Sania Battalova is Director of Information Resources and Technology of the American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) where she supervises and manages university information technology and library resources. Sania has served two terms as a president of the Kyrgyz Libraries Information Consortium and is currently vice-president. She is also the EIFL country coordinator for Kyrgyzstan.
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