EIFL webinar (90 minutes) discussing the power of public libraries to contribute to digital cooperation under the Global Digital Compact, the United Nations’ agenda to harness technology benefits for the future of humanity.
A panel of speakers led discussion on how libraries equipped with digital technology for public use are contributing to a shared vision of an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future.
On the panel -
- James Beronda, Head of Technical Services, Uganda Communications Commission;
- Dr Stuart Hamilton, Head of Libraries Development for the Local Government Management Agency, Ireland;
- Dr Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager;
- Alex Ombongi, Head of IT at Kenya National Library Services;
- Ramune Petuchovaite, Manager of the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP).
See the presentations, in PDF format, including one by Maria Elisa Holguin, of Fundación Bibliotec inColombia, who was unable to attend the webinar:
- Dr Stuart Hamilton: The Library is the Place: Information, Recreation, Inspiration.
- Maria Elisa Holguin: Bibliolabs in Cali, Colombia
- Dr Ugne Lipeikaite: The Power of Public Access in Libraries: Overview of impact evidence and assessment approaches.
- Alex Ombongi: Kenya National Library Service.
- Ramune Petuchovaite: Introduction to the webinar.
The webinar includes an overview of findings of two reports, prepared by EIFL and IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) under the Dynamic Coalition of Public Access in Libraries (DC-PAL):