EIFL, and our partner consortia in Kenya and Zimbabwe, are proud to partner with the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) for a webinar on access to reading material for people with print disabilities in Kenya.
- Date and time: Friday, 3 December 2021, 2.30-4.30pm EAT, UTC/GMT +3 hours (Nairobi), 1.30pm CAT, UTC/GMT +2 hours (Harare). Check the time in your country.
- Registration: The webinar is free and open to anyone to attend. The webinar is hosted by KECOBO. The KECOBO registration form is here. For questions on registration, please contact KECOBO here.
Kenya joined the Marrakesh Treaty for persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled in 2017. The treaty was implemented into national law in 2019.
The webinar will introduce the Marrakesh Treaty and why it is important for libraries, describe the relevant provisions in Kenya’s copyright law, explain who is authorized to use the provisions, and identify any policy or legal gaps in the law. It will also cover the practical experience of libraries in Zimbabwe, that are getting ready to use the treaty, and positive experiences of libraries around the world that are benefitting from cross-border exchange enabled by the treaty.
The speakers include Prof Dick Kawooya (University of South Carolina), Elizabeth Oyange (Aga Khan University), Teresa Hackett (EIFL), and Rosemary Maturure (Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium). The webinar is moderated by Prof Joseph Kavulya (Kenya Libraries and Information Services Consortium).
The event programme can be found here.