This webinar is part of the Centre for Open Science’s ongoing campaign to educate researchers about the benefits of preregistering research plans and projects before publishing their work.
The Centre for Open Science is sponsoring the $1 Million Preregistration Challenge which encourages researchers to preregister their research projects and plans. Through the Challenge, the Centre will award prizes of 1,000 USD to 1,000 researchers who publish the results of preregistered work.
Preregistration - making commitments to a design and analysis plan in advance of knowing the outcomes - promotes rigour and credibility in research by clarifying the difference between testing predictions and exploratory analysis.
The webinar presenter is David Mellor, PhD, of the Centre for Open Science. The two main topics to be covered are 1) How preregistration benefits you as a researcher, and 2) How to easily create a preregistration on the Open Science Framework.
The webinar is open to researchers, librarians and other research support staff in developing countries, and all EIFL partner countries.
DATE: 12 October
TIME: 12:00 CEST (Central European Standard Time). The webinar will last for one hour.
HOW TO REGISTER: Click here and fill in the registration form.
Further reading and information
- This paper, The Preregistration Revolution, provides background on preregistration and addresses common questions.
- One minute basic video about the Preregistration Challenge.
- One hour webinar on preregistration on the Open Science Framework.
- Preregistration slides.
- Blogs about preregistration by the Centre for Open Science.
NOTE: The Preregistration Challenge is open to residents of most countries. Unfortunately, residents of countries on the US State Department's list of embargoed countries pmddtc.state.gov/embargoed_countries are not eligible for this competition.