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Diagramme showing research cycle - Discover, Manage Research Data, Publish, Disseminate and Increase Visibility, Measure Impact.
22 Mar 2021
EIFL has organized a series of 12 webinars to introduce academic (university and research) librarians to our new digital research literacy (...)
Map showing Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group at the WTO, shaded in pink. (Image: WTO
10 Mar 2021
EIFL and IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) have called on the Members of the World Trade Organization ( (...)
Flag of Zimbabwe
08 Mar 2021
EIFL and our partner, the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium (ZULC), appreciated the opportunity to submit comments to the Zimbabwe (...)
Map of the world showing Least Developed Countries (source, WTO )
16 Feb 2021
EIFL has called on the World Trade Organization (WTO) to grant a request by Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to extend the LDC TRIPS exemption for (...)
The five innovative librarians: clockwise, from top left, Momoh Mansaray (Sierra Leone), Allan Hagwelele (Zambia), Yusuf Ganyana Juma (Kenya), Jemmimah Wangechi Maragwa (Kenya) and Mostafa Mahammad Tuhami (Egypt).
11 Feb 2021
Congratulations to five young African public library innovators who have been selected by EIFL to speak at the 4th conference of the African (...)
03 Feb 2021
EIFL’s renewed agreement with Taylor & Francis includes discounted read access to over 2,000 journals and waived and discounted Article (...)
24 Jan 2021
OPTIMA - Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia - a three-year project of the European Union's Erasmus+ Capacity-building (...)