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teacher showing children a laptop computer
11 Dec 2015
Children at schools in three regions of Ghana got their first experience of computers following the launch of the Hands on computer classes for 1, (...)
08 Dec 2015
EIFL signed a renewal agreement with Taylor & Francis for the Taylor & Francis Online Journal Library.  The collection offers full text (...)
03 Dec 2015
The EIFL guide to the Marrakesh Treaty, first published in December 2014, has been re-designed and is now available in Serbian, in addition to (...)
photo of teresa hackett who won the award
30 Nov 2015
Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager has just been awarded a ‘Flash Grant’ by the Shuttleworth Foundation, a non-profit (...)
25 Nov 2015
Mr Jonathan Band J.D was a guest speaker at an EIFL webinar on 24 November 2015 on the Google Books decision, what it is and why it is (...)
Logos of some of the groups that signed the letter to the European Commission.
24 Nov 2015
EIFL has joined the call by a coalition of stakeholders to the European Commission and the European Parliament to ensure that consultation on (...)
Image of a tree with roots and branches, some in red and text in Polish Copyright Forum.
20 Nov 2015
The new Polish Copyright Act [link in Polish] enters into force on 20th November 2015 bringing library services in Poland into the twenty-first (...)