At a recent event supported by EIFL and hosted by the American University of Armenia (AUA), participants discussed important issues such as maximizing access to essential textbooks and other course materials.
The discussion came during a lecture by international copyright lawyer and scholar, Professor Kenneth D. Crews, that focused on copyright exceptions for libraries and the education sector. Prof Crews spoke about the common mission of libraries and copyright, why and how copyright matters especially in the digital age as libraries provide access to e-resources and universities transform into centres of e-learning.
“We are delighted to have a visit to Armenia from such a prominent copyright expert,” said Hasmik Galstyan, EIFL Copyright Coordinator in Armenia and Head of Reference at AUA’s AGBU Papazian Library. “Copyright issues come up every day in our work as librarians, especially in the context of access to digital e-resources and virtual learning environments (VLEs), such as the Moodle platform used at AUA. Prof Crews provided valuable professional insight and knowledge to guide us in our future work,” continued Hasmik, who helped to organize the event.
“EIFL applauds the work of Hasmik Galstyan, a tireless campaigner for copyright reform in Armenia”, said Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme manager. “Hasmik has played a key role in reviewing library provisions in the Armenian copyright law, and engaging with local and international copyright experts to seek to improve the law.”
About 30 people attended the Friday evening lecture including the Head of the Copyright Department of Armenian Intellectual Property Agency (AIPA), the Director of the Electronic Library Consortium of Armenia, (ELCA), librarians from university libraries, the library of the National Assembly of Armenia, AUA faculty, students, and law department alumni.
The lecture by Prof Crews titled 'Copyright and Exceptions for Libraries and Research: International Perspectives and Local Action' took place on October 23, 2015. It was hosted by AUA’s College of Humanities & Social Sciences' LL.M program and the AGBU Papazian Library.
EIFL has been supporting national copyright law reform in Armenia since 2012.