The Lithuanian Youth Council (LiJOT) – the biggest association of youth organizations in the country – has named Utena 'A. and M. Miškiniai' Public Library as their Youth Partner 2012.
‘The nomination is a great honour for the library,’ said Ms Laima Lapiniene, Head of the library’s Information Department.
‘We were delighted – and very surprised – when we heard the news. This nomination will help attract more young people to our library and to other libraries in Lithuania,’ she said.
The nomination recognizes work the library has done with youth over the past year. Ms Lapiniene especially noted three services:
'The library partnered with the non-governmental organization, School of Success, which supports youth by building confidence and offering career counselling; we also partnered with association Window to the Future, which provides information and communication technology (ICT) training and helps youth understand the value of ICT, and thirdly, we have a ‘Eurodesk’ information point (funded by the European Union) in our library, where young people can seek support,’ she said.
The Youth Partner 2012 award will be made at LiJOT’s ‘Evening of Gratitude’ ceremony in December.
Utena 'A. and M. Miskiniai' Public library is an EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) partner. In 2010, EIFL-PLIP funded their Play to Study project, which led to development of a popular computer game linked to the school curriculum to encourage reluctant children to go back to school. Over 1,500 children are playing the extremely popular game.
Click the link to read more about Utena 'A and M. Miskiniai' Public Library’s innovative computer game for vulnerable children.