The Scholarly Kitchen, an independent blog established by the Society for Scholarly Publishing, asked EIFL to give input into a series of articles asking, ‘How Can We Achieve Equitable Participation in Open Research?’ Romy Beard, Manager of the EIFL Licensing Programme, and Rima Kupryte, Director of EIFL, responded by urging publishers to cut or waive article processing charges (APCs) to help authors from developing and transition economy countries, and to streamline systems for depositing Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAMs) into open repositories.
Article title: Ask the Community (and Chefs): How Can We Achieve Equitable Participation in Open Research? – Part 2
Publication/media outlet: The Scholarly Kitchen
Date published: 22 October 2020
EIFL project/programme: EIFL Licensing Programme, EIFL Open Access Programme
Language of item: English
Read now: Read the article as published by The Scholarly Kitchen or download a PDF version here.