Open Education Week is a celebration of the Open Education Movement, that aims to raise awareness about open education and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide.
The week (4 - 8 March) is coordinated by the Open Education Consortium, an association of organizations from around the world that are committed to making education more open, free, and available to everyone. During the week, universities, colleges, schools and other educational organizations showcase what they’re doing to advance open education. In 2018, over 2,500 participants from 98 countries contributed to Open Education Week.
EIFL works with libraries to build awareness about open education and to encourage the adoption and customization (e.g. translation) of Open Educational Resources (OERs), such as open textbooks. EIFL celebrates Open Education Week and encourages participation by all organizations and people supporting and advocating for open education.
You can participate by hosting an an event, by contributing educational resources and tools that enhance and support open education, or by promoting Open Education Week.
Your events will be included in the Open Education Week Calendar. To make sure your event is included, you must complete the Open Education Week submission form by 25 February 2019. Here are some examples of events:
- Workshops, mini-conferences or seminars for the general public or a specific audience, such as faculty members or students, on how to use open materials, understanding open licences, how to modify materials for classroom use, or how to create OERs.
- Online events, for example webinars on open education, or online discussions to foster global dialogue about open education. Or you could join webinars or discussion organized by others.
The Open Education Week website will direct visitors to resources that provide tools and supporting materials to enhance open educational practices. The resources you are sharing must be openly licensed with at least permission to re-use and modify (such as CC-BY or CC-BY-SA). You are welcome to submit resources in any language and format - to make sure they are included on the website, you must complete the Open Education Week submission form by 25 February 2019.
- Display the Open Education Week banner on your website or blog
- Post or retweet tweets using #OEWeek.
- Follow @OEWeek on Twitter.
- Write an opinion piece for the editorial page of your local newspaper or your favourite website.
- Blog about Open Education Week (email info@openeducationweek.org if you want a link to your blog on the Open Education Week website).
- Customize and exhibit the Open Education Week poster.
- Send an email to your colleagues and friends to let them know about all the events and information available at https://www.openeducationweek.org
Find out more about how to participate, and how to submit your contribution.