EIFL and Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, EIFL’s partner consortium in Uganda, will host a series of workshops on open access (OA) for the heads of research departments, librarians and researchers from six universities. The workshop topics are:
October 18: Understanding OA and its practical implications in institutions;
October 19-20: Developing OA and repository policies;
October 21: OA repository task forces and action plans.
The six universities are: Bishop Stuart University, Busitema University, Makerere University, Makerere University Business School, Uganda Christian University and Uganda Martyrs University.
The six universities are partners in a major two-year EIFL project titled ‘Open access policy development in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to make more digital content available’. The project works with 16 research intensive in the three East African countries.
The project is funded by Spider, the Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions, located at DSV, Department of Computer and System Sciences, which is part of Stockholm University.