EIFL and partners from the OpenAIRE and FOSTER (Facilitating Open Science Training for European Research) projects are celebrating Open Access Week 2017 (23-29 October) with a series of webinars on open science, open access and open data.
Open Access Week is an annual, global event established by SPARC in 2008 to raise awareness about open access (OA) and to call for OA to be the new norm in scholarship and research.
The theme of Open Access Week 2017 is ‘Open in order to...’. This open-ended question invites answers to the question - What concrete benefits can be realized by making scholarly outputs openly available?
The webinars run from 23 - 26 October.
webinar topics and times
Monday, 23 October, 14:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time): Natural Sciences and Open Science: Workflows and tools for publishing, licensing, versioning, identifiers, archiving, software… . Presented by Ivo Grigorov (Technical University of Denmark) and Jon Tennant (ScienceOpen). Click here to join the webinar.
Tuesday, 24 October:
- 11:00 CEST: Refreshment on Open Access, Open Science and H2020 requirements. How can OpenAIRE help researchers and projects to comply with Open Access mandates? Presented by Eloy Rodrigues (OpenAIRE, University of Minho); Najla Rettberg (OpenAIRE, Göttingen University). Click here to join the webinar.
- 14:00 CEST: Life Sciences and Open Science: Workflows and tools for publishing, licensing, versioning, identifiers, archiving, software… . Presented by Toni Hermoso and Guillaume Fillon, both of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG). Click here to join the webinar.
Wednesday, 25 October:
- 11:00 CEST: General introduction to Open Data Policies in Horizon 2020, influence of Open Data policies on Open Science Workflows. Presented by Nancy Pontika (Open University) and Najla Rettberg (OpenAIRE, Göttingen University). Click here to join the webinar.
- 14:00 CEST: Flip the classroom: bring your questions about Research Data Management and Data Management Plans. Presented by Marjan Grootveld (Data Archiving and Networked Services) Click here to join the webinar. Note: due to the format of this webinar, you will be asked to submit your questions for the presenter beforehand. This can be done via the registration form.
Thursday, 26 OCTOBER
- 11:00 CEST: Legal aspects of Open Science. Presented by Prodromos Tsiavos (The Media Institute) and Thomas Margoni (CREATe, Glasgow University). Click here to join the webinar.
- 14:00 CEST: Humanities and Open Science: Workflows and tools for publishing, licensing, versioning, identifiers, archiving, software... . Presented by Laurent Romary and Marie Puren, both of DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). Click here to join the webinar.
You can register using this form - the deadline for registration is Friday, 20 October, midnight CEST. Or you can attend without registering. However, only people who have registered in advance will receive emails with recordings and slides.
For (openaire.eu/register-now-ffor-openaire-open-access-week-webinars) further information, click here.