ICT training camp in Uganda
EIFL’s partner to conduct ICT training for women and youth in Uganda’s Mityana District, Central Region

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Event Date: 21 Mar 2022 - 25 Mar 2022
Zigoti Town, Uganda
two young women learning ICT during Maendeleo Foundation workshop.
Two young ICT learners who participated in the fourth ICT camp, in Kasese District in February 2022.

Maendeleo Foundation, EIFL’s partner, will conduct a week-long ICT camp to equip people in Mityana District, Central Uganda, with computer and internet skills. The training will take place at Zigoti Community Library in Zigoti Town.

This is the fifth in a series of ICT camps that are part of the ‘Digital skills @ your local library’ project, which is providing digital literacy training to thousands of women and unemployed youth and connecting them to free online learning opportunities. The project is funded by Belgium through the Wehubit Programme implemented by the Belgian development agency, Enabel.