The Royal Society is the world's oldest scientific academy in continuous existence, which has been at the forefront of enquiry and discovery since its foundation in 1660. The Royal Society Journals Collection comprises eight high-impact hybrid journals in the physical and biological sciences:
Biology Letters
Notes and Records
Interface Focus
Proceedings A
Proceedings B
Philosophical Transactions A
Philosophical Transactions B
Subscribers also benefit from access to the Royal Society's Digital Archive which goes back to 1665.
In addition, the Royal Society publishes two fully Open Access journals Open Biology and Royal Society Open Science.
Subject coverage
Biological sciences, physical, mathematical and engineering sciences, cross-disciplinary subjects.
Key features
- All papers are subject to stringent peer-review
- International authors - over 70% from outside the UK
- Sophisticated searching, linking via Crossref, issue alerting, and keyword alerting
- COUNTER5/SUSHI-compliant usage statistics
- Long term preservation with CLOCKSS and PORTICO
- Journals are indexed by Web of Science, Scitopia, Journal Citation Reports, PubMed, INSPEC and Scopus
Further information