Adila was nominated by the Azerbaijan Library and Information Cons (...)
Awa was nominated by the Consortium des Bibliothèques de l' Enseign (...)
Benson was nominated by the Zambia Library Consortium (ZALICO) to (...)
Blessings was nominated by the Malawi Library Information Consortiu (...)
Bosco Apparatus was nominated by the Consortium of Uganda Universit (...)
Dragana was nominated by the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordin (...)
Hasmik was nominated by the Digital Library Association of Armenia (...)
Inta was nominated by the Culture Information Systems Centre Consor (...)
Janina was nominated by the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (...)
Karmen was nominated by the Consortium of Estonian Libraries Networ (...)
Khutsafalo was nominated by Botswana Library Consortium to serve as (...)
Kunhua was nominated by the Library Network of the Chinese Academy (...)
Mariana was nominated by the Electronic Resources for Moldova (REM) (...)
Ahou Marie-Claire was nominated by the Consortium des Bibliothèques (...)
Mildred was nominated by the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consorti (...)
Miodrag was nominated by the Macedonian e-Libraries (MEL) Consortiu (...)
Nino was nominated by the Georgian Integrated Library Web Consortiu (...)
Oleksii was nominated by the Association "Informatio-Consortium" to (...)
Paul was nominated by the Kenya Libraries and Information Services (...)
Pontso was nominated by the Lesotho Library Consortium (LELICO) to (...)