
Browse our collection of resources on licensing, copyright for libraries, open access, library consortium development, free and open source software (FOSS) for libraries, and public library innovation

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TITLEsort descending TYPE DATE
EIFL checklist: Good practices in using Open Journal Systems software (OJS) for journal editing and publishing Guide 2019.
Webinar: Introduction to Coko’s modern book and journal publishing technology and community Webinar 2019.
EIFL webinar: Learn about the new Ubiquity Press open source repositories platform Webinar 2019.
EIFL webinar: Technology - learn about the Overleaf online collaborative writing, editing and publishing tool Webinar: Technology 2018.
IYALI 2018 - New Services and Community Outreach in African Public Libraries Poster 2018.
EIFL webinar: Technology - Dimensions: new research insights platform Webinar: Technology 2018.
The Marrakesh Treaty: an EIFL Guide for Libraries (Spanish) Guide 2017.
The Marrakesh Treaty: Issue Brief, Cambodia (English) Position paper & statement 2017.
The Marrakesh Treaty: an EIFL Guide for Libraries (Arabic) Guide 2017.
IYALI 2017 - New Services and Community Outreach in African Public Libraries Poster 2017.
Don’t go back on the deal: joint library statement on EU implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty Position paper & statement 2017.
Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty: EIFL FAQs Position paper & statement 2016.
EIFL webinar: Leading copyright lawyer explains what the 'TU Darmstadt’ case means for libraries Webinar 2016.
EIFL poster: Core library exceptions checklist Poster, Position paper & statement, Model laws & licences 2016.
‘Rate my copyright law’. Does your copyright law support library activities and services? Position paper & statement, Model laws & licences 2016.