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17 Feb 2023
Access to knowledge for millions of people around the world who are blind or otherwise print disabled continued to grow in 2022 with eight more (...)
Teresa Hackett - EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager - with the submission outside the Houses of Parliament in Cape Town.
31 Jan 2023
In a submission delivered to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), one of the two Houses of Parliament in South Africa, EIFL urged the NCOP to (...)
30 Jan 2023 is an open access multidisciplinary publishing platform for Georgian academic journals run by EIFL’s partner in Georgia, the (...)
26 Jan 2023
We are delighted to name four winners of the 16th EIFL Public Library Innovation Award, for Public libraries enabling learning through play.  The (...)
flag of Nigeria - 3 vertical bands, green, white, green.
24 Jan 2023
EIFL has written to the President of Nigeria, His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, requesting that he sign the Copyright Bill 2022 (SBs. 688 & 769 (...)
10 Jan 2023
EIFL has renewed its agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP) for access to Oxford Journals and 30 online resources for a further year, until (...)
Participants, facilitators and Vice-Chancellors of Lukenya University (3rd from left, front row) and Pwani University (4th from left, front row) who attended a regional open access workshop organized by KLISC for institutions in Coastal Kenya. The workshop was hosted by Pwani University.
09 Jan 2023
A project supported by EIFL has strengthened understanding of open access publishing at 46 institutions in Kenya. It has led to increased open (...)