Tatjana Timotijevic, Head of the Department of Scientific Information at the National Library of Serbia, and Country Coordinator for the Serbian Library Consortium, KoBSON, shares the experience of the National Library of Serbia in checking for content overlap. Timotijevic gives a brief overview of the database the consortium has created, which includes lists of subscribed journals and e-books, and how these can be queried to identify any overlapping content. She also goes over different scenarios of when checking for content overlap is useful, for example when consider a new subscription, when having to cancel existing subscriptions, or when putting together a report for funders.
Jevgenija Sevcova, Databases Manager at the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA), speaks about how the open source electronic resource management system CUFTS can be used for cross checking e-resources for overlap.
Supporting material
- Download Tatjana's presentation and Jevgenija's presentation.