‘Lyuben Karavelov’ Regional Library in Ruse, Bulgaria, has shared results of its ‘Fun Financial Literacy’ pilot project for children and youth, which was supported by the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP).
The project won international and national acclaim for the library, from the World Bank, local government, and other libraries in Bulgaria. It impressed existing partners in the business and education sectors and attracted new ones that are eager to work with the library.
Working with partners, including UniCredit Bulbank, Bulgaria’s largest bank, librarians developed a two-tier financial literacy curriculum, comprising basic financial literacy theory and practice for children aged up to 14, and more advanced classes for youth aged up to 24.
“To be honest, we expected to be bored by the library’s training. But it was very entertaining. We do not learn about finance or banks in school – so everything we did was new and different. The librarians showed us new games and everyone laughed and had fun.” – Young learner, Ruse.
Library teaches 233 young people financial literacy
In less than a year, the library taught 233 children and youth financial literacy theory and skills, including budgeting, saving, spending, banking, credit, consumer protection, and how to access financial services through mobile devices like smart phones and tablet computers. Training methodology was fun, incorporating role plays, games and competitions.
The popular training is continuing, and other public libraries in Bulgaria are adapting the curriculum to suit the needs of their communities, and introducing services based on the ‘Lyuben Karavelov’ Regional Library’s project.
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Read a two-page case study about the impact of the project in the community and on the library.
Read more about ‘Lyuben Karavelov’ Regional Library’s 'Fun Financial Literacy' training.
‘Lyuben Karavelov’ Regional Library’s ‘Fun Financial Literacy’ project is one of 10 public library projects for children and youth funded by EIFL-PLIP in 2014. Over the next few months, we will be publishing further case studies about the impact of these projects.
Since 2010, EIFL-PLIP grants have initiated and supported library services and projects that are reaching communities through over 300 public and community libraries in 27 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
EIFL-PLIP works across six crucial community development issues: agriculture; digital inclusion; education; employment; health, and supporting the needs of women and girls. Read more about EIFL-PLIP grantees and their innovative services.