PUBLISHING FOR AUTHORS FROM EIFL PARTNER COUNTRIES | To increase the number of articles accessible in open access, EIFL adopted
new principles for negotiations with publishers. Our agreements with publishers include both access to their content and publishing articles in open access. Authors from EIFL partner countries can benefit from waivers and discounted Article Processing Charges (APCs) when publishing in
De Gruyter,
Edward Elgar,
Sage and
Taylor and Francis journals.
2019 RESOURCES TO SUPPORT OPEN ACCESS REPOSITORIES | In 2019 we updated our checklist for
making Dspace work well to include the latest version of DSpace software, new recommendations on how to improve discoverability of repositories and articles, and a tool to support the development of an open access repository policy. We also hosted webinars on
DSpace, on
DSpace and Google Scholar and on the new
Ubiquity Press repository platform.